An Analytical Study of Child Labour Among the Rural and Urban Areas of Gujarat

An Analytical Study of Child Labour Among the Rural and Urban Areas of Gujarat


  • Sandip Chauhan


Law, Child Labour, Urban, Rural, Gujarat


Although Gujarat has seen a significant decline in poverty, there are still high levels of poverty above the state average in the tribal, coastal, desert and hilly areas. Children in poor families are sent to work to supplement the family income. Many poor families do not have sufficient resources to send their child to school so they are sent to work. The child labour exists in both the rural and urban areas of Gujarat. In rural areas, the children work in farms while in cities the children are sent to do domestic works or they work in hotels and restaurants. Without adequate rest intervals, they work for long hours. In addition, they are also paid very small amounts without any increment. Thus, for years, these children have been forced to work for meagre incomes under difficult conditions. This paper aims to present an analytical study of the prevalence of child labour in the rural and urban areas of Gujarat.


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Accelerating action against child labour, Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 2010

Kishore Kumar Chhetri (2011). Child Labour in Bhutan: The Challenges of Implementing Child Rights in Bhutan, SOA- 3902

Mondal Abdul. Monitoring and assessing progress on decent work in Bangladesh, Published by ILO Catalogue. 2006.

Salahuddin, Khaleda. (2001). Child labour in Bangladesh: the early years, Palok publishers & Bangladesh women writer’s association, Dhaka.

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How to Cite

Sandip Chauhan. (2020). An Analytical Study of Child Labour Among the Rural and Urban Areas of Gujarat. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(4). Retrieved from