The Human Rights Violations with Special Reference to the Rights of Children: Reasons and Remedies

The Human Rights Violations with Special Reference to the Rights of Children: Reasons and Remedies


  • Sandip Chauhan


Human Rights, Law, Rights of Children, Child Labour, Remedy


It is evident that the practise of child labour in society would deprive the child of his fundamental human rights; his right to education and learning; his right to entertainment and to communicate with peers, as well as his right to enjoy the beauty of the world around him and to develop a rounded personality. Children drawn to the labour force do not choose to work at such an early age themselves. They are rather compelled by certain family and social circumstances to join the labour force against their will. Socioeconomic compulsion, such as poverty, unemployment of adult family members, etc., can be characterised as the circumstances that bring minor children to work in the labour force. It is the violation of human rights but these children or their family members are even not aware about any such rights. Thus, the present paper aims to identify the various reasons for child labour and puts forward the remedies.


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s. K. Khanna, Children and the Human Rights, Commonwealth Publishers, 1st Edition 1998, p.55 2.

ILO (1998) Statistics on Working Children and Hazardous Child Labour in Brief, Geneva April 1998,

Neera Burns, born to work: Child Labour in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1998, p.IX

Promila Mahajan & S.Chand: Encyclopedia of Child Labour Vol.1., Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, 2006

Nasreen, “Flouting All Laws”, The Economics Times, November 30, 1980, p.5.

Amit. Kr. Chakrabarthy, “Poverty is not Significant Cause of Child Labour’s Problem: A Case Study”, The Management Accountant, December, 2004, pp. 1011-1017

Om Raj Singh, “Child Labour Eradication”, Yojana, November, 2003, pp. 32-37.

Dr. Suman Lata & Dr. Anjani Kant, “Child and the Law”,APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2007, p.3

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How to Cite

Sandip Chauhan. (2020). The Human Rights Violations with Special Reference to the Rights of Children: Reasons and Remedies. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(6). Retrieved from