Analysis of the Political Power Speeches of Jr. Martin Luther King and Barrack Obama: In the light of Critical Discourse Analysis as a Literary Research Method

Analysis of the Political Power Speeches of Jr. Martin Luther King and Barrack Obama: In the light of Critical Discourse Analysis as a Literary Research Method


  • Paragkumar Dave


Discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis and Computer-aided-Discourse Analysis


Discourse is a speech of communication. It is conceptual frameworks which enable some mode of thought and deny or severely constrain certain others (Foucault p.6). Discourse Analysis has introduced a new methods of research, new avenues of conceptualizing research questions, new ways understanding and looking at the nature of literary texts. Analysis of such discourse deals with the producer that are writer and speaker; and the consumer that are reader and audience, in which language is invested in a specific way of talking about and understanding the world. This include all text and talks in the form of fiction (poetry, novels, plays, graphic narratives such as comics, graphic novels, memoirs, movies etc.), non-fiction, conversation, blog, interview, newspapers, magazines, essay, advertisement, notice board, engraved word, and all such possible medium of speech communications. Discourse Analysis is a general term for all the possible approaches use to examine and understand in relation to social interactions.


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Al-Selwi, Dr Abdul-Malik. “The Importance of Discourse Analysis in Translation from Students' Perspective .”, 8 Feb. 2022,

Fairclough, Norman. New Labour, New Language? Routledge, 2000.

Gumperz, John. “Interactional Sociolinguistic Approaches.” Ebrary,

Philips. “(PDF) Text Analysis: An Introductory Manifesto.” Research Gate, 2021,

Potte, r Jonathan. “Potter & Wetherell - Discourse and Social Psychology.” Scribd, Scribd,

Smedt, Koernraad. Koenraad Smedt - Publications. .

Wetherell, Margaret. “Margaret Wetherell's Research Works.” Research Gate,

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How to Cite

Paragkumar Dave. (2022). Analysis of the Political Power Speeches of Jr. Martin Luther King and Barrack Obama: In the light of Critical Discourse Analysis as a Literary Research Method. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(5). Retrieved from