Investigation of Luigi Pirandol’s Six Character in Search of an Author In the light of Susan Sontage’s Post Structuralist of Against Interpretation

Investigation of Luigi Pirandol’s Six Character in Search of an Author In the light of Susan Sontage’s Post Structuralist of Against Interpretation


  • Paragkumar Dave


Pirandello's influence on modern theatre resulted from his experimentation with the concept of realism that dominated drama from the time of Ibsen and Strindberg. He questioned all thought of norms by bringing the very idea of reality under philosophical scrutiny. His questioning helped playwrights to open themselves up with new approaches to theatre in the early part of the 20th century. Pirandello was one of the first and the best experimentalist. Henry IV is one of Pirandello's most significant works, and it had a profound impact on the development of twentieth century theatre. Pirandello brought modernist themes and methods into the theatre, including a rejection of linear, realistic storytelling, a deconstruction of concepts of identity and perception, and exploration of the isolation inherent in the human experience. This style would be the foundation for avant-garde playwrights and later for the Theatre of the Absurd playwrights in the middle of the twentieth century.


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Sontag, Susan. “Against Interpretation.” Against Interpretation and Other Essays, Penguin, London, 2013, pp. 9–24.

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How to Cite

Paragkumar Dave. (2021). Investigation of Luigi Pirandol’s Six Character in Search of an Author In the light of Susan Sontage’s Post Structuralist of Against Interpretation. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from