Possession by Kamala Markandaya: An Assessment

Possession by Kamala Markandaya: An Assessment




Kamala Markandaya possesses outstanding skills to convert her day to day experience in her creative expression. As a novelist, she portrays wonderful characters and deals with themes of human relationship, love, marriage and the place of women in the contemporary society. The literary works of Kamala Markandaya have been studied and interpreted differently by various researchers in terms of her feminist concerns, East-West themes, the representation of traditional and modern life and her contribution in the field of Indian fiction. The present paper is an attempt to assess Markandaya’s art of writing novel with reference to her novel Possession.


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A.V. Suresh Kumar. Six Indian Novelists, New Delhi: Creative Books, 1996, p. 100. Misra, Pravati. Class Consciousness in the Novels of Kamala Markandaya. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001. Margaret P. Joseph, Kamala Markandaya. Op.cit., p.79- 80. Panchal, Chandrakant D. “Man woman relationship in the novels of Kamala Markandaya”, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, 2003. Rao, Krishna, A.V. and Menon, Madhavi, K. Kamala Markandaya: A Critical Study of Her Novels 1954-82. Delhi: B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1947. Ramamurti, K.S. “Two Virgins: A Problem Novel.” Perspective on Kamala Markandaya. Ed. Madhusudan Prasad. Ghaziabad: Vimal Prakashan, 1984. S. Krishna Sarma, "Two Recent Novels of Kamala Markandaya", Triveni, 1976, Vol XLV, pp.28-35. Shrivastava, Ramesh. ‘The Novels of Kamala Markandaya - A Critical Study- (Gurunanak University - 1998 )p. 67. Uma Parmeswaran, A Representative Indo – English Novelists, op. cit., p. 121.

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How to Cite

VYAS KRUTIKA NAYANBHAI. (2018). Possession by Kamala Markandaya: An Assessment. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/313