A study of consumer purchasing behavior towards online shopping: a case study of Gujarat state during COVID – 19 pandemics

A study of consumer purchasing behavior towards online shopping: a case study of Gujarat state during COVID – 19 pandemics




COVID-19 pandemic,, Online shopping customer,, GDP,, Internet usage,, online consumer behavior


The current paper is center around consumer purchasing behavior towards online shopping during COVID- 19 pandemic. The development pace of India's online shopping industry is intriguing. The increasing swelling rate and more slow financial development as of late has not gotten away the presentation of online shopping industry in India. In today situation there is different strategy to buy any item structure any shop. However, as per prerequisites individuals utilize different online shopping locales to buy any item. Thus, as COVID-19 first hit in quite a while, individuals got frightened to go out from their homes and furthermore influence monetary sculptures of consumer on the grounds that, to them, it's a dread of COVID-19. They even wonder whether or not to go out to purchase merchandise. Frenzy purchasing additionally has seen and to keep away from this dread of COVID-19, individuals are offering inclinations to the Online shopping destinations to purchase fundamental merchandise and a few clients are new which joined to purchase fundamental products during this Pandemic Lockdown period. Numerous clients are moving their purchasing behavior from disconnected retail locations to online stores. As dependent on its prerequisites as a specialist I covered all the market at Gujarat state level in which I dissected about different factor which are utilized in online shopping reason. Item association, Web abilities, difficulties, and utilization of significant worth added search components all altogether affect the Web consumer. A survey based observational investigation is utilized to test online shopping behavior of consumer during covid 19 pandemic. It has additionally made an endeavor to get data about the extent of progress in online shopping site.


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How to Cite

VYAS KRUTIKA NAYANBHAI. (2021). A study of consumer purchasing behavior towards online shopping: a case study of Gujarat state during COVID – 19 pandemics. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/534