Fuzzy Logic based Efficient Data Aggregation Scheme for WSN with Mobile Sink
Mobile sink, network lifetime, reinforcement learning, virtual grid, WSNAbstract
To develop an energy-efficient practical algorithm to aggregate data in a WSN is a widely acceptable problem in the literature. Generally, data aggregation is performed by the cluster heads (CHs), and CHs transmit this aggregated data to the sink. These CHs can deplete their energy rapidly during this period. The proposed scheme is a fuzzy-based reinforcement-learning technique for selecting data aggregator nodes in a WSN with a mobile sink. Virtual grid construction divides the network into uniform cells. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic-based reinforcement-learning algorithm selects a data aggregator node for each cell. Establishing a virtual backbone network of CHs initiates the mobile sink's movement along a predefined, relatively optimal path within the network. Experimental results after the implementation reveal that the presented scheme improves the stability of the network and increases its overall lifetime.
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