Selection Criteria of ERP Product and ERP Implementation Partner for Online Implementation Process

Selection Criteria of ERP Product and ERP Implementation Partner for Online Implementation Process


  • Amol Garge


ERP, Implementation, ERP Product, ERP Implementation Partner, ISV Partner, Discovery


To successfully install Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), choosing the correct solution and implementation partner is critical. Many things contribute to an ERP system’s success or failure. However, one of the most important is picking a solution that fits the company’s needs and wants. (Al‐Mashari, M., & Zairi, M. 2000) The client intends to use enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in their business. The ERP implementation partner might be the enterprise resource planning (ERP) business that created the product or another partner in charge of the installation. Channel partners or Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are occasionally involved in ERP implementations.

The capacity to customize the underlying ERP software is a crucial competence of ISV partners, who also design extra modules or features for the ERP. Often, ISV partners collaborate with big ERP firms like SAP, Microsoft, and Acumatica. (Al‐Mashari, M., & Al‐Mudimigh, A. 2003) Conversely, channel partners are usually tasked with deploying the ERP product core exclusively without customization. If channel partners need customization, they can contact an ISV partner or the main ERP business.

Before making a substantial financial investment, clients must consider all their options before settling on enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. A poor decision can negatively impact the company’s financial health. During the pre-evaluation stage, companies often review demos from many ERP vendors to narrow down their choices, which is a complex process. Alaskari, O., (Ahmad, M. M., & Pinedo-Cuenca, R. 2014) Before entering the pre-evaluation phase, companies should prepare thoroughly, identifying their current strengths, weaknesses, and requirements.

A selection matrix should be created throughout the demo process to help with final decision-making. After reviewing all demos, companies can narrow their options to the top three to five vendors that best meet their requirements. Sometimes, each ERP product may have unique features, making it challenging for the customer to select the best fit. In these cases, the company should prioritize the product with features that best address their current needs and operational challenges. (Baki, B., & Cakar, K. 2005)

Outsourcing the selection process to a third-party consultant can be beneficial for companies lacking in-house expertise to manage these activities. These consultants assess the company’s needs and recommend the best product accordingly. Once the ERP product is finalized, the implementation partner is chosen. Suppose the ERP company itself is not handling the implementation. (Bakas, O., Romsdal, A., & Alfnes, E. 2007).  In that case, the customer must select the most qualified partner for the job. Selecting the right implementation partner is critical; even a strong product may fail if the implementation partner lacks the necessary expertise.


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How to Cite

Amol Garge. (2024). Selection Criteria of ERP Product and ERP Implementation Partner for Online Implementation Process. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si2), 143–157. Retrieved from