The Relevance of Cultivating Aesthetic Values among Students: Challenges and Remedy

The Relevance of Cultivating Aesthetic Values among Students: Challenges and Remedy


  • Dr. Kamal Mehta


Aesthetic sensibility is very crucial in the personal and the social life of the humans. It is quite true from Kantian perspective that it is the aesthetic sense which decides the nature and quality of life of any society. This sense is the root cause and determiner of our judgements and decisions about ourselves, our situations, our universe, and the problems or crises we undergo. Hence, all civilizations have had their aesthetics and one of the major differences among the civilizations has been the difference in the aesthetic sense of each. It is the aesthetic sense that determines an individual’s socio-cultural mannerisms. Our attitude and perspective on the imaginary/literary phenomena shape our real attitudes and perspective on the real phenomena too. Hence, when a society rises in its stature, development and prosperity, it always produces great literature and other arts. Of course, vice versa need not be true.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kamal Mehta. (2020). The Relevance of Cultivating Aesthetic Values among Students: Challenges and Remedy. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(4). Retrieved from

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