Relevance of the Application of Indian Classical Literary Theories
India came in contact with the English literature in particular and other European literatures in general due to the colonial rule. Since 1835, due to the English education as per the plan of Macaulay, English literature has been being taught extensively in all the Universities of the country. Even after independence, there has been no change in it. In English literary studies, by and large, the students are taught the interpretation and evaluation of the literary texts by applying one or the other western theories and perspectives. The matter has not ended here. Even the students of the regional Indian literatures are also taught the western theories and their application on Indian literary texts. Of course, teaching western theories and their application on our texts is certainly a welcome step. Indian students must learn evaluating Indian literatures from external (western etc.) perspectives also. However, when our students are taught evaluating our literatures in the western fashion, then unknowingly or knowingly, we are also, teaching them to fashion ourselves in western ways and shaping or forming our culture, values and ethos etc. also from the western viewpoints.
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