What the Thunder said : The Benedictory close of The Waste Land

What the Thunder said : The Benedictory close of The Waste Land


  • Dr. Swati Shrivastava


Rainlessness, Fertility Ritual, Ganga, Sunken, Shantih


Richard Bartholomew has very persuasively argued in an essay entitled 'The life theme and its treatment in Eliot's
poetry , that, "the three words spoken by the Thunder lead straight to the core of Eliot's poetry". Together they
represent "a compound idea, a philosophy really, that runs through all the poetry – poems as well as plays". These
three words occur in the fifth and final part of The Waste Land which has been characterized as the most compelling
and philosophical movement of the poem , for in this section Eliot shows to his readers the way of spiritual rebirth,
and his teachings are based on the hoary wisdom of India. Thus the poem does not merely reflect, 'the disillusionment
of a generation', it goes much deeper. It makes a promise and a prophecy which can redeem the modern Wasteland of
doubt and despair .Self control is unquestionably a trusted anchor in the otherwise raging sea of life. The sagacious
counsel of the great Aryan myth is applicable to the entire humanity for its range is universal .The message of the
Thunder has been given an excellent human touch as the Humans combine all the three properties- angelic, human and


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• Bartholomew , Richard , ‘The life theme and its treatment in Eliot’s poetry’, Manaktalas,1965

• Bose , Abinash Chandra.Tr.Hymns from the Vedas, Bombay: Asia Publishing House,1966

• Chand, Devi. Tr. The Samaveda.Hoshiyarpur: All India Dayanand Salvation Mission,1963

• Cox , C.B,and Hinchliffe,.Ed.T.S.Eliot : The Waste Land- A case book London: Macmillan,1968

• Drew, Elizabeth .T.S.Eliot: The Design of his poetry, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,1949

• Dwedi, A.N.Indian Thought and Tradition in T.S.Eliot’s Poetry, Bareilly: Prakash Book Depo,1977

• Eliot , T.S. The Waste Land and other poems. London: Faber and Faber,1972

• Narasimhaiah, C.D, “Introduction”, Indian response to American culture (New Delhi, USEFI, 1967)

• Rai , V. The Waste Land : A Critical Study , Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidass ,1965

• Weston , Jessie . L. From Ritual to Romance. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc.,1957

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How to Cite

Dr. Swati Shrivastava. (2015). What the Thunder said : The Benedictory close of The Waste Land. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(3). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/156