The Role of Songs in English Language Teaching (ELT): An Introduction to Musical Pedagogy

The Role of Songs in English Language Teaching (ELT): An Introduction to Musical Pedagogy


  • Nikita Gadani


Music, tool, pedagogy, classroom, learner, Second Language


“If learners are interested, education happens” aptly espoused by Sugata Mitra. Taking from his notion of
entertainment, one loves to bank on the idea and take it up to the classroom. What can be more entertaining
and engaging than music! Everyone enjoy music while travelling, at home, studying or even at work place.
Rather than telling students to put off their smart phones, why not to make them pedagogical tools. It is in
this context that the paper proposes using songs to teach English. Teacher can use song to start and end up
their sessions, to illustrate theme, to teach grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure. It also helps in
learning and memorizing of linguistic structures.
Undoubtedly, listening reinforces proficiency in English among second language learners. The paper focuses
on how songs can be used as a valuable part of language teaching curriculum and help learners to improve
their pronunciation. Besides, the peculiar melody of English language is difficult to teach in a second
language learning environment. It is here that songs play great role in training students’ ears to that melody.
The paper also focuses on how songs reflect culture and increase students’ overall understanding of socio-
cultural background of English Language and that too with enjoyment in the classroom.


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 C. Salcedo. (2002) “The effects of songs in the foreign language classroom on text recall and

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 Holmes, V.L. and Moulton, M.R. (2001) Writing Simple Poems. Cambridge University Press.

 Lems, Kirsten, (2001) Using Music in the Adult ESL Classroom, ERIC Digest.

 L. Lynch. (2009) 9 reasons why you should use songs to teach English as a foreign language


 M. Neil. Using Songs Effectively to Teach English to Young Learners.

 Richards, J. (1969). Songs in language learning. TESOL Quarterly, 3(2), 161-174.

 V. Reilley and S. Ward. (1997). Very young learners. Oxford: Cambridge University Press.



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How to Cite

Nikita Gadani. (2015). The Role of Songs in English Language Teaching (ELT): An Introduction to Musical Pedagogy. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(3). Retrieved from