Play way Method in Education

Play way Method in Education


  • Jalda F. Vora
  • Amrutbhai R. Tirgar


Play way method, Education, Holistic development, Art projects


The play-way method allows children to communicate, share ideas and listen to others. The play way method of education assumes that play is a natural way for children to learn about and understand the world around them. Learning experiences are given through playful activities because they are very relaxing, creative and interesting. Playful learning environment makes transition from home to school easier for the child. Play way method in education are Kindergarten by Frobel, Didactic Apparatus of Montessori, Dalton plan of Miss Helen Parkhusrst, Heuristitc method and project method etc.


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Crow, L.D. and Crow, A. (1969), Child Psychology, Barney & Noble, New York.

Garret H.E., (1968), General psychology, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi.

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McDougall, William, (1949), An outline of Psychology, Matheun & Co. London.

Mohan G., (2009), Educational psychology: Neelkamal Publication PVT.LTD. New Delhi.

Siddiqui, M. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology: A.P.H. publication Corporation, New Delhi.

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How to Cite

Jalda F. Vora, & Amrutbhai R. Tirgar. (2019). Play way Method in Education. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(5). Retrieved from