Depiction of Marginalization in Mahasweta Devi’s Hajar Chaurashir Ma
Mahasweta Devi is an unexpected writer who has been writing, functioning and combating for the marginalized untiringly for the precedent six decades. She is a bizarre mix of an objector and a writer who has accepted both duties ferociously all her life. Away on or after the spotlight, she keeps operational for the interests and betterment of persons whom the media and the conventional expediently keep forgetting. Her inscription is troubling because it shows the person who reads her or his own true face.
Devi, Mahashweta. Mother of 1084. New Delhi Press, 1988.
---, Breast Stories. Oxford University Press, 1987.
Omvedit, Gail. Understanding Caste: From Budha to Ambedkar and Beyond. Orient Black Swan, 2011.