A Critical Review of Akoopar

A Critical Review of Akoopar


  • Shyam Shukla


Dhruv Bhatt has been a prominent name in the contemporary Gujarati fiction writing. His works represent his personal life experiences and acquaintances of the common people. However, these common people’s tales have the universal appeal. These tales also depict the collective wisdom that these common people have contributed in every walks of life. On the other hand, various regions of Gujarat find their vivid description with their cultural, social and geographical peculiarities found their description in his novels.
Akoopar is set in and around the forest of Gir and portrays the people, places and the heritage of the region in various Kathiyavaadi dialects. As in most of the regional novels of Dhruv Bhatt, Akoopar, too is resulted out of his extended stay at the region. It narrates the unique blend of the fact and fiction of the people and places that the author came across and observed. The present article aims at reviewing the novel from the critical point of view.


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 Bhatt, Dhruv. Akoopar 1st edn. Gurjar Grantharatna Karyalaya, 2010  Bhatt, Dhruv. Samundrantike 1st Edition, Gurjar Grantharatna Karyalaya, 1993.  Bassnett—Mcguire, Susan. Translation Studies. 3rd Edition London: Routledge, 2003.  Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary for Students of English. New Delhi: OUP, 2002.  Yaska. Nighantuh Nirukta 1st Edition, Parshva Prakashan, 1993.  Mehta, Bhanusukhram and Bharatram B. Mehta, eds. The Modern Gujarati English Dictionary. Vol. I & II, 2nd Edition Gandhinagar: Director of Languages Gujarat State, 1989.  Singh, A.K. Ed. Translation: Its theory and Practice. New Delhi: Creative Books.  Bhatt, Dhruv. Atarapi 1st Edition, Gurjar Grantharatna Karyalaya, 2007.  Bruhdaranakopanishad 2nd Edition, Geeta Press, 2003.  Chandogya Upanisad 1st Edition, Mayavati Pithoragarh, 1997.

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How to Cite

Shyam Shukla. (2018). A Critical Review of Akoopar. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/297