Employees’ Attrition and Turnover in Indian Organised Retail Sector in the Present-day Scenario

Employees’ Attrition and Turnover in Indian Organised Retail Sector in the Present-day Scenario


  • Ms. Bhoomika D. Bhatt


Attrition, Turnover, Retail, Organised Retail Sector


Attrition refers to the natural process of a reduction in the size or number of something, often due to people leaving or something being used up over time. In the context of employment, attrition refers to the loss of employees due to voluntary or involuntary reasons.

Employee attrition is a situation in which employees leave an organization and are not replaced. It is usually measured as the rate at which employees leave a company over a period of time. High rates of employee attrition can be harmful to a company's productivity, reputation, and bottom line.


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How to Cite

Ms. Bhoomika D. Bhatt. (2023). Employees’ Attrition and Turnover in Indian Organised Retail Sector in the Present-day Scenario. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/642