Khadi: Gandhiji’s Experiment with Social Justice


  • Prof. R. B. Zala


Gandhiji living and leading India through the colonial period, a decolonized mind, decolonized India. He moved the masses with political, social, economical, cultural movements grounded in spirituality. He was a karmayogi come up with the experiments that could put to practice the ideals he propagated for personal and public good. As against the violent means of the communist socialist view wherein there was no solution till taking over the political power, he advocated for social justice through non-violent movements asserting faith in converting individuals to his ideology. The very making of Mahatma from Mohan is due the racial injustice he personally faced being thrown out of the train in South Africa. Satyagrah, Swadeshi and end number of historical movements were the result of his ideas that he put into practice with pure means.


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Ramagundam, Rahul. Gandhi 'S Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation. New Delhi:Orient Blackswan .2008. print.

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How to Cite

Prof. R. B. Zala. (2016). Khadi: Gandhiji’s Experiment with Social Justice. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(6). Retrieved from

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