Indian Home Rule or Hind Swaraj: Gandhi’s Experiment with Translation

Indian Home Rule or Hind Swaraj: Gandhi’s Experiment with Translation


  • Prof. R. B. Zala


Hind Swaraj is the seed text and the only auto/self translation by Gandhi. Originally written and published in Gujarati in the Gujarati columns of Indian Opinion 11th and 18th Dec., 1909 is ‘hurriedly dictated’ and ‘not a literal translation but it is faithful rendering of the original’ (Preface to English Translation). The decolonizing text written and translated by the decolonized mind has drawn the attention of many a critics and translators during last hundred years. The compulsion with Gandhi to translate Hind Swaraj and the attempts to revise the translation draws our attention to the processes involved in translation resulting in a close reading of the powerful political text.


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Gandhi ,M.K. Hind Swaraj.Ahmedabad: Navjivan Trust.2004 print.

_ _ _. Hind Swaraj.Ahmedabad: Navjivan Trust.2009 print.

Gentzler Edwin Contemporary Translation Theory London: Routledge.2003 print.

Hermans, Theo. ‘Literary Translation’.A Companion to Translation Studies.Ed. Protr Kukuhivzak and Karin Littau.Delhi: Orient Blackswan.2011.

Parel Anthony J.Ed. Gandhi: Hind Swaraj and other Writings. New Delhi: CAMBRIDGE University Press.2009. print.

Sharma, Suresh and Tridip Suhrud. Eds. M K Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj: a Critical Edition. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan print.

Tridip Suhrud. Hind Swaraj Vishe. Vadodara: Purva Prakash.2008.Print.

Venuti ,Lawrence. Ed.The Translation Study Reader.London and New York: Routledge.2003 print.

Vormeer, Hans J. ‘Skopos and Commission in Translational Action’Trans.Andrew Chesterman. Ed.Lawrence Venuti . The Translation Study Reader (221-232) print.

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How to Cite

Prof. R. B. Zala. (2021). Indian Home Rule or Hind Swaraj: Gandhi’s Experiment with Translation. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(1). Retrieved from

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