Maoist Insurgency in Nepal

Maoist Insurgency in Nepal


  • Santa Bahadur Thapa


Nepal, Political conflicts, Civil war, Electoral violence, Community rights


Nepal is experiencing significant political conflicts and may relapse into civil conflict if long-standing political difficulties are not handled. The paper provides a historical context for political conflicts and a lack of democratic consensus in Nepal and a connection between these factors and the country's present centralized political economy, inequality, and unequal distribution of resources. According to the facts, Nepal's conflict and political instability are caused by the country's egalitarian and centralized political economy. Conflict and political instability are likely to endure in Nepal until significant and radical socioeconomic structures are made. It also attempts to emphasize that democracy cannot thrive and sustain itself without equality and a fair allocation of resources.


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How to Cite

Santa Bahadur Thapa. (2021). Maoist Insurgency in Nepal. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from