A Relative Estimation of Skill Efficiency of U-17 Hockey Players of Punjab

A Relative Estimation of Skill Efficiency of U-17 Hockey Players of Punjab


  • Mr. Jaspal Singh


The purpose of the study was to find out Relative Estimation of skill efficiency of U-17 year male hockey players of Punjab. This study tried to find out difference in Ball shooting ability, Ball control ability and Ball balancing ability of subjects. This study has been conducted on forty  (40) U- 17 male hockey players which were selected through the trails for the different academies run by government and private associations of Punjab. There were four group formed for the study i.e. Punjab and Sind Bank Hockey Academy Jalandhar (PHA), Maharaja Ranjit Singh Hockey Academy Amritsar (MHA), Namdhari Hockey Academy Bhaini Sahib, Ludhiana (NHA), Surjit Hockey Academy Jalandhar (SHA). Data were collected with standardized tests, equipments and standard techniques (Tenner at al. 1969). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) one way and least significance difference Test were used as a statistical tool for find out the appropriate results. The basis of results of present study indicated that significant and insignificantly difference among players of hockey academies of Punjab in relation to skill efficiency variables Ball shooting ability, Ball control ability and Ball balancing ability were found significant different in under 17 F= 2.20, 47.42, and .732 respectively. In level of hockey skills i.e. ball control ability was found significant while compared all academies only under 17 years age group (F-47.42). Post hoc test indicates Surjit hockey academy players and Maharaja Rranjeet Singh hockey academy players similar in ball control ability.


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How to Cite

Mr. Jaspal Singh. (2021). A Relative Estimation of Skill Efficiency of U-17 Hockey Players of Punjab. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/459