Cultural Hybridity with Reference to Analysis of Chinua Achebe's Novel "No Longer At Ease"

Cultural Hybridity with Reference to Analysis of Chinua Achebe's Novel "No Longer At Ease"


  • Lakhlani Hemangi Rameshchandra


Igbo, Culture, religion, ethnic, identity crisis, cultural hybridity, protagonist, tradition


No Longer At Ease is written by Chinua Achebe. He was the father of African literature. His novel "No Longer At Ease" show the Nigeria's social life and culture. This present paper examine how Achebe describe cultural hybridity appeared in his novel No Longer At Ease. In this paper researcher expore the cultural aspect in the hero's life.Their are different belief about Igbo life and culture. Some critics says that Igbo culture is well present in Achebe's novel. Because of it's rich religious system and their belief towards God's. The hero of the novel and the social background of the novel consists of the Igbo people. Igbo society is the one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa. The protagonist of the novel Obi Okonkwo was passing through the Nigerian colonized culture, tradition and colonial cultural experiences. He was passing through the cultural identity, alienation and social background in his life. This study intends to Bhabha's theory of Cultural hybridity in his notable work "Location of Culture "(1994).The writer tried to show the reader that cultural hybridity appeared in the hero's life and Igbo culture.


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How to Cite

Lakhlani Hemangi Rameshchandra. (2021). Cultural Hybridity with Reference to Analysis of Chinua Achebe’s Novel "No Longer At Ease". Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(5). Retrieved from