Thematic and Stylistic Aspects in R.K. Narayana’s Novels: A Critical Study

Thematic and Stylistic Aspects in R.K. Narayana’s Novels: A Critical Study


  • Hariprasad N. Kamol


Theme, style, characterization, form, critical analysis


R.K. Narayan was rejected in his early career, but today he is recognized internationally. He represents the typical Indian way of life in his novels. He is different than his contemporaries Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao in the sense of avoiding serious mood. All his works are the mixture of irony and humour, realism and fantasy. Narayan does not present deeper and darker aspects of life. He writes about the human emotions through direct and simple narrative. He adopted the Western form and style but made it unique with his own ideas and experience. Through the depiction of his imaginary Malgudi town, he shows the traditions of old and new India. This paper aims to explore the thematic and stylistic aspects of Narayana’s novels in general. The researcher has explored his themes and techniques to judge his skills as a novelist.


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How to Cite

Hariprasad N. Kamol. (2020). Thematic and Stylistic Aspects in R.K. Narayana’s Novels: A Critical Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(6). Retrieved from