Evolution of Animations Technology and Its Appeal as a Tool to Educate

Evolution of Animations Technology and Its Appeal as a Tool to Educate


  • Archana G. Pandya


Evolution of Animation Technology, Motion films, Moving pictures


It has been observed that the efficiency level of the students in primary schools of Gujarat is not up to the mark in the sense of their ability to understand spoken English, reading writing and speaking English as such. The achievement of students in English subject is not matching learning outcomes prescribed by the education system of Gujarat. The researcher has tried to make a review, as a platform of a larger scale experimental study, what are the stages of evolution of Animations and its appeal to people and the scope of its use as a tool to teach English subject in primary schools in particular and all other subjects at various grades in general. This paper presents a brief survey of the evolution of animation technology and the studies made on the use of animation in education and indication of the scope if further study.


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Desai, Amjad (2015). Animation in Education. Retrieved from http://www.cgpundit.com/animation-in-education/ retrieved on 5th July 2015







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How to Cite

Archana G. Pandya. (2019). Evolution of Animations Technology and Its Appeal as a Tool to Educate. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(4). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/332