Voicing for Social and Political Equality: In B. Kesharshivam’s Shool

Voicing for Social and Political Equality: In B. Kesharshivam’s Shool


  • Udeshi Hardik


B. Kesharshivam a novelist, poet, autobigrapher, essayist has contributed his work in Dalit writings. As a novelist he has contributed six novels where he takes the burning issue of inequality with Dalits and projects in his writings. He writes mostly about the sufferings of Dalits. His novels Shool and Mool ane Dhool projected him as a Dalit writer. B. Kesharshivam‟s novel Shool pens down in 17 chapters and spreads up in 256 pages talks about the physical, mental, social and political harassment on the backward people. The terror of upper class society over backward people is projected by B. Kesharshivam in his novel Shool. An educated well established person is harassed socially, mentally and physically as only being a dalit.


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Kesharshivam, B. -. Shool Published by Harsh Prakashan.

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Sadangi, Himansu Charan - Dalit, The Downtrodden Of India

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How to Cite

Udeshi Hardik. (2018). Voicing for Social and Political Equality: In B. Kesharshivam’s Shool. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(6). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/283