Promoting Innovation: Human Resource Management's Essential Function in Businesses

Promoting Innovation: Human Resource Management's Essential Function in Businesses


  • Dr. Trupti Desai


HR practices, Innovation, Challenges and Opportunities, Motivational Approach


Examining the crucial role that human resource management, or HR management, plays in the creation of innovative settings inside organizational frameworks is the aim of this study. Human resources departments are crucial in establishing the company culture, talent management plans, and leadership development initiatives that are necessary to promote innovation and creativity. This is due to the fact that innovation is becoming a more crucial component in gaining a competitive edge and preserving sustainability. This study's goal is to examine key HR procedures and how they impact the process of creating a creative atmosphere. Both empirical data and theoretical frameworks are used in the inquiry. This article's goal is to give businesses information that will help them maximize their human resources so they can keep innovating and expanding. These insights are provided by emphasizing the strategic importance of human resources in the process of promoting innovation.


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How to Cite

Dr. Trupti Desai. (2023). Promoting Innovation: Human Resource Management’s Essential Function in Businesses. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(3). Retrieved from