Dramatic element in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot

Dramatic element in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot


  • Dr. Swati Shrivastava


Quasi-Dramatic, Impersonality of emotion, Verse play, Greek myths, Ritual drama


Eliot has been acclaimed as a major poet and critic of our time, but his dramatic genius has, so far, received tardy recognition. Within its limited scope, the present paper aims at an assessment of the essentially dramatic nature of Eliot's poetry. It is impossible to separate his work as a critic from his work as a poet and a playwright. Edmund Wilson emphasizes "the essentially dramatic character of his imagination. Eliot's early poems are novel experiments in dramatic situation - kind of poetry. Here the poet employs the method of dramatic monologue by which he presents a number of personae or characters, who act as the central link or as the unifying force in series of disparate experiences that are recounted in these poems. Mostly these personae are flat or static. They are caught in certain attitudes and have hardly any individual quality. But by urging us to sympathize with them the poet wants to help us in obtaining a superficial understanding of the events or actions that set the pattern of emotions in the poems.


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 Eliot , T.S., The use of poetry and the use of criticism, London, Faber and Faber (1955).

 Eliot ,T.S ,The complete poems and plays , London , Faber and Faber , 1969

 Eliot, T.S , Selected Essays , London , Faber and Faber ,1964

 Gardener, Helen , The Art of T.S. Eliot, London, The Cresset Press (1949).

 Matthiessen , F.O, The Achievement of T.S Eliot, Newyork ,Oxford University Press ,1959

 Wilson, Edmund , "T.S. Eliot", Axel's Castle (Newyork : Scribner's, 1931) RPT in Leonard Unger, ED, T.S. Eliot : A Selected Critique (Newyork : Russell and Russell, 1948).

 Wright, George .T., The Poet in the Poem, California, University of California Press (1960).

Joshi, Boni D. "Poetical World of Jayant Mahapatra: Depiction of Indianness and Humanness through Past and Present of Orissa." Vidhyayana-An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal-ISSN 2454-8596 5.3 (2019).

Joshi, Boni D. "A Critique of History, Religion and Social Issues in Nirad C. Chaudhuri’s The Continent of Circe." Vidhyayana-An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal-ISSN 2454-8596 7.2 (2021).

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How to Cite

Dr. Swati Shrivastava. (2017). Dramatic element in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/208