Crestfallen Class hues of Caste Hierarchy: Presented and Represented

Crestfallen Class hues of Caste Hierarchy: Presented and Represented


  • Dr Audrey Barlow


The representation of ‘castes’ (it is better to use the plural form of the noun ‘caste’ because no single caste can be discussed without taking into consideration the inter-caste relationship) is not only an issue of communicating certain narratives about castes across languages under the umbrella culture of India but rather is the manifestation of castes organized as the social institutions into an assortment of cultural discourses. The modus oparandi adopted for this paper is that of a triplex diagram consisting of three irrespective disciplines of science; Sociology, Psychology and Politics.


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Basu, Tapan (ed) Translating Caste: Stories, Essays, Criticism

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How to Cite

Dr Audrey Barlow. (2016). Crestfallen Class hues of Caste Hierarchy: Presented and Represented. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(3). Retrieved from