Education is Inner Reformation in Preference to Outer Appearance - A Study with Pygmalion of G.B. Shaw

Education is Inner Reformation in Preference to Outer Appearance - A Study with Pygmalion of G.B. Shaw


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Pygmalion, Education, Appearance, Identity


In the play Shaw try to define true educational is to amend someone’s thinking, behaviour, and helps to make their lives better rather than change one's appearance. Here Higgins failed to be a good teacher. He focuses more on Eliza's looks and speech but less on how she feels and her actual character building.


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Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi: 1954.

Chesterton, G.K. George Bernard Shaw Guilds Book, London: The Bodel Heads, 1949

Ward. A.C. Men and Books London: Longmans, Geen & Co., 1951

Trans. Colin Gordon Et al. Pantheon Books 1980.

The History of Sexuality. Trans. Robert Huxley.London,1998.

Mills, Sara. Michel Foucault: Routledge Critical Thinkers.Routledge.2003.

Shaw, Bernard George. Pygmalion. Surjeet Publications, 2009.

Young, Robert. Untying the Text: A Post- Structuralist Reader. “Order of Discourse”. Routledge Kegan Paul Ltd,1981. Pp 52-64.

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How to Cite

Ambaliya Manju Alabhai. (2023). Education is Inner Reformation in Preference to Outer Appearance - A Study with Pygmalion of G.B. Shaw. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from