Analysing customer satisfaction: Consumer behaviour of young persons in the textile industry

Analysing customer satisfaction: Consumer behaviour of young persons in the textile industry


  • Bhavik U. Swadia


consumer behaviour, customer satisfaction, clothing purchase, textile industry


The sector of clothing in India is represented by different markets which differ as for the qualitative,
quantitative and functional characteristics that they have. Clothing and footwear constituted in 1998 10% of
consumer expense and based on estimates and econometric studies will be marginally ascending until 2010
and will reach 11, 6(source: “Data processing” Indian national organisation of statistics, National Accounts
and Estimates). This percentage shows that clothing is one of the biggest consumption categories, and this
fact makes young people a very important customer target group because they are the ones who spend a lot of
money on clothing but also because the latest fashion trends and most of the innovations in the textile industry
are related to them.


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Survey: Kroeber – Riel / Weinberger, Konsumententenverhalen – TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT


Survey: Systematically varying consumer satisfaction and its implications for product choice - Shaun

McQuitty New Mexico State University, Adam Finn University of Alberta, James B. Wiley Victoria

University (American Marketing Association )

G. Siomkos (Ph.D) / Consumer Behavior and Strategic Marketing, Stamoulis publications, 1999.

Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Interbooks publications, 2000.

Defining customer satisfaction / Joan L. Giese Washington State University Joseph A. Cote

Washington State University / Academy of Marketing Science Review Volume 2000 No. 1 Available: Copyright © 2002 – Academy of Marketing

Science. / National statistical service

Raval, Navjyot, Meeta Mandaviya, and Alpesh Gajera. "An Empirical Study on Financial Performance Analysis of selected Equity stocks of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry." Ilkogretim Online 20.5 (2021).

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How to Cite

Bhavik U. Swadia. (2015). Analysing customer satisfaction: Consumer behaviour of young persons in the textile industry. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(2). Retrieved from

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