A Feminist Study of Nayantara Sahgal Fiction

A Feminist Study of Nayantara Sahgal Fiction


  • Dr. I.G. Purohit


As a writer with feminist concerns, Nayantara Shagal is a Progeny of the tradition where in power
itself is deified as goddess “Sakti” a female symbol. Her novels seek to posit the independent existence of
women and atrophy all attempts to preclude them from the centre-stage of human existence. The attempts to
attenuate women-power have been condemned by a number of writers in recent Indian English fiction, but
weapons do differ. Sahgal’s approach towards the issue is holistic and focuses mainly on the question of
identity-crisis for women.


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> Bridges of literature by M. L. Malhotra, Ajmer,Sunanda,1971;is essay by Sahgal, in Adam(Random),

Auguest 1931;NayantaraSahagl and the craft of friction by Suresh Kohli, new Delhi, Vikas, 1972;

Nayantar Sahgal;

> A study of friction and non friction 1954-1974 by A. V. krishna

Rao,Madras,seshachalam,1976;Nayantara Sahgal by Jasbir Jain, New Delhi, Arnold Heinemann,

; interview with Nergis Dalal, in times of India Sunday review , 30th June 1985; “Nayantara

Sahgal’s rich like us” by Shirley Chew, and “The Search for

> freedom in Indian women’s Writing” by Ranjana A Ash, both in motherlands, Edited by Susheil

Nasta, London, women’s 1992 ;

> “The crises of Contemporary India and Nayantara sahgal’s friction” by Makrand Paranjape, in world

literature today, spring 1994; Nayantara Sahgal by Jasbir jain , Jaipur, India, Print well, 1994; The

friction of Nayantara Sahgal by Manmohan Bhatnagar, New Delhi, India , creative books, 1996;

Women’s space : The mosaic world of Margaret Drabble and Nayantara Sahgal by Rashmi Talwar,

New Delhi, Creative books, 1997

Microcosms of India “ A study of the novels of Nayantara Sahgal by Madhuranthakam Narendra, New

Delhi, Classicalpub.co.1998; There is no space for women : Nadine Gordimer, Nayantara Sahgal, Buchi

Emecheta, And the politics of gender by Joya Uraizee, Treton, New Jersey , Africa World press,1999.

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How to Cite

Dr. I.G. Purohit. (2015). A Feminist Study of Nayantara Sahgal Fiction. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/142