A Study of Attitude Towards Blog Based Learning Experiances

A Study of Attitude Towards Blog Based Learning Experiances


  • Sandip S. Boricha


Blog based learning, Effectiveness, Achievement


Blogs are one of the rising technologies often used by educators to facilitate communication and
collaboration among students. The objectives of the study were (1) to develop educational Blog for the unit
of “types of Reading”(2) To compare the attitude toward Blog Based learning of arts and science stream
B.Ed.trainees. (3) To know the attitude toward Blog Based Learning of all B.Ed.trainees. The presents study
found the attitude towards blog based learning experiences for unit “types of Reading” among
B.Ed.trainees.The study was conducted to develop an educational blog for the unit of ‘Types of Reading’
and finding outs its attitude towards blog based learning experiences. The experimental design of the study
was two equivalent group post test. The type of research is applied. This is an experimental study So that
limited students were select as a sample. For that one college of Ahmedabad city select by the purposive
sample technique. The researcher has chosen 32 B.Ed.trainees for the study. Tool of research in this study
was Attitude Scale constructed by researcher. In present research, the score on attitude scale of the students
of B.Ed. Were the raw data. Based on the score, the Maan Whitney U Test will be calculated for each group.
To compare the Maan Whitney U score of the group’s U-test calculated. After the data collection
investigator concludes that; the ‘U’ score of attitude toward Blog Based Learning with respect to streams
was significant . It is inferred that the attitude toward Blog based learning of science stream students were
more favorable than the attitude toward Blog based learning of Arts stream students.


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How to Cite

Sandip S. Boricha. (2015). A Study of Attitude Towards Blog Based Learning Experiances. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(1). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/126