Studying Krishna Sobti as a Feminist Writer: In Light of Her Select Novels

Studying Krishna Sobti as a Feminist Writer: In Light of Her Select Novels


  • Rajeshvari Kubavat


Feminism, Indian Feminism, Orthodox Society, Patriarchy, Tradition


Krishna Sobti is renowned for her strong will and fighting spirit, but also for her work in the literary world. She's an unparalleled writer who never ceases to innovate. At a time when no one in the Hindi literary world had heard of feminism, she wrote two short novels “Daar se Bichhudi” and “Mitro Marjani” – later translated as "Memory's Daughter" and "To Hell with You Mitro" respectively and illustrated the quest for a woman's identity in an innovative manner. Sobti has presented women in her novels who are restricted by rituals and customs how they suffer after the death of husbands. The main characters like „Pasho', 'Mitro', Jaya', 'Rati have faced orthodox rules of society. Krishna's heroine also opposes the traditional moral values imposed on women. She asserts that the tradition-bound, male- dominated system leaves no space for women's individuality. The present papers is an attempt to review Sobti‟s select novels from feministic perspective.


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Sobti, Krishna. Daar Se Bichchuri. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 1958.

---. Mitro Marjanee. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 1967.

---. Tin Pahad. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 2004.

---. Surajmukhi Andhere ke. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 2000.

---. Ai Ladkee. New Delhi: Rajkamal Prakashan, 1991.

---. Sobti Ek Sohbat - Krishna. Delhi: Rajkamal Publications, 1989.

Mahesh, Alok. Kathana Literature of Krishna Sobti. Delhi: Shipra Publications, 2010.

Rohini. Ek Nazar Krishna Sobti Par. Delhi: Akhil Bharti, 2000.

Ramesh Kumar. Feminist Discourse. Haryana: Aadhar Publication, 2001.

Vora, Asharani. Women Exploitation: Mirrors and Dimensions. Delhi: National Publishing House, 1982.

Hazari Prasad Acharya and Dwivedi Prasad. Hindi Literature Emergence and Development.

New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 1992.

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How to Cite

Rajeshvari Kubavat. (2019). Studying Krishna Sobti as a Feminist Writer: In Light of Her Select Novels. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(4). Retrieved from