Trends and Reflections of modernization on young generation: An Overview of Chetan Bhagat’s Select Novels

Trends and Reflections of modernization on young generation: An Overview of Chetan Bhagat’s Select Novels


  • Vishal A. Dave


Chetan Bhagat the writer of the youth, changes the trend of writing and describes the changing trend in youngsters by impacts of modernizations. He narrates his novels by putting youth in center and tries to describe their minds sets as per changing world’s life style.Bhagat’snovels are interwoven around the various issues of young generations like hopes and aspirations,campus life, education system, love,sex, marriage, ambitions, impact of modernizations on the lives of the youth, cultural changes, human relationships, political, social, religious issues, corruption and significance of communication in English in this modernworld. This research paper highlights trends and the reflections of modernizationon the young generation with reference to Chetan Bhagat’s select novels ‘One Night @ the Call Center’and ‘Five point Someone’.

Chetan Bhagat presents the changing scenario in the life styles of young generation through his novels. Modernizations affects the life of young people very fast. Chetan Bhagat gives a perfect picture of young generation who lead themselves towards the trend of new horizon of the world which is colored with modernizations. Chetan Bhagat narrates the young people’s thinking style, dressing style or behavior which is changes as per the effects of modern culture. Chetan Bhagat sometime worried about the valueless or moral less life of youngsters who are no care for their own personality. Through his novels Chetan Bhagat creates his characters who are modern and live their life with modern pattern and are influenced with western culture. Bhagat criticized some aspects of youngsters and also describes their attraction towards the modern era.


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Bhagat, Chetan. One Night @ The Call Center. Rupa& Co., 2005.

Bhagat, Chetan. Five Point Someone. Rupa, 2011.

Biswas, MunMun Das. "Depiction Of Youth Culture In Chetan Bhagat’S Five Point Someone". The Criterion An International Journal In English, vol 4, no. II, 2013, pp. 1-7.

Joshi, Ashvini. "“Modernization Of Ethnicity”- In The Novels Of Chetan Bhagat". International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Approach And Studies, vol 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 51-56.

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How to Cite

Vishal A. Dave. (2018). Trends and Reflections of modernization on young generation: An Overview of Chetan Bhagat’s Select Novels. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from