The Place of Anandavardhana in Indian Poetics

The Place of Anandavardhana in Indian Poetics


  • Dr. Chetan R. Sakariya


Indian Poetics has been flourished and contributed by many eminent scholars since its beginning. There are scholars like Bharata, Bhamaha, Vamana, Dandi, Anandavardhana, Kuntaka, Kshemendra, Mammata, Jagannatha and others who have their own place of importance in Indian Poetics. These scholars gave theories like Rasa, Alamkara, Riti, Dhwani, Vakrokti and Aucitya. Each scholar created a work which made Indian Poetics flourish very well. The present paper discusses the place of Anandavardhana in Indian Poetics. How Anandavardhana gave new direction to this field by giving the theory of Dhwani and how he deserves the special attention in Indian Poetics through his work Dhwanyaloka is amply discussed in this paper.


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Dr.Tapaswee, S. N. ed. Dhwanyaloka of Anandavardhana. Ahmedabad: Saraswati Pustak Bhandar. 2003. Print.

G. Vijayvardhana. Outlines of Sanskrit Poetics. Varanasi: The Chow Khambha Sanskrit Series Office 1st Ed. Ceylon: 1970. Print.

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Narasimhaiah, C.D. East West Poetics At Work. New Delhi: Sahitya Academi. 1994. Print.

Seturaman,V.S., Indian Aesthetics, An Introduction Mumbai: Macmillan. 1992. Print.

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How to Cite

Dr. Chetan R. Sakariya. (2018). The Place of Anandavardhana in Indian Poetics. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from