Novelists as Cultural Historians: Defining and Deciding the Nature and Function of Historical Novels

Novelists as Cultural Historians: Defining and Deciding the Nature and Function of Historical Novels


  • Bhautik Limbani


Literature performs a variety of tasks, and thus it is difficult to decide its functions.
However, it also invites all the relevant interpretation of the text braced with logical
appropriation. In the same line of argument, the novels of Manubhai Pancholi and Amitav
Ghosh, are of mercurial nature. The moment reader feels to categories it as historical novels,
they (novel) rise against the hypothesis. Thus, this paper tends to focus on the nature and
function of historical fiction and cultural historiography that are prevalent in the fiction of the
said authors.


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How to Cite

Bhautik Limbani. (2019). Novelists as Cultural Historians: Defining and Deciding the Nature and Function of Historical Novels. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(1). Retrieved from