Retelling of Myth in the Select Works of Amish Tripathi: A Study

Retelling of Myth in the Select Works of Amish Tripathi: A Study


  • Toral I. Patel


India has most likely the most extravagant storage facility of folklore and legends on the planet. These developments start as developing networks of racially-joined individuals or as incredible kingdoms. Travel and exchange interface them with one another even in the remote past. Every one of them over the span of history made old stories, network ceremonies and social convictions which prompted the formation of immense assortments of folklore. Indian myths affect our present life.


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Toral I. Patel. (2019). Retelling of Myth in the Select Works of Amish Tripathi: A Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(1). Retrieved from