Study Of Smartphone Addiction Proneness and Neuroticism Among School-Going Teenagers

Study Of Smartphone Addiction Proneness and Neuroticism Among School-Going Teenagers


  • Tejaswani Gaur


Smartphone addiction, Neuroticism, Personality Trait


Due to its many uses as a gadget, the smartphone plays a crucial part in higher education. There have been reports of an increase in smartphone obsession among college and university students. Their scholastic achievement and mental health may suffer as a result of the addiction. The neurotic personality characteristic is one element that reliably correlates with smartphone addiction. In this research, neuroticism and smartphone obsession among adolescent students were investigated. Using a questionnaire, a sample of 125 school-going adolescents was obtained. The relationship between neuroticism and the propensity for smartphone obsession was investigated using the Spearman correlation. Chi-square and t-test analysis was done to look into the impact of smartphone obsession. According to this research, smartphone addiction is very common among adolescents who attend school. Given the relationship between the two was found to be substantial, smartphone addiction may result in neurotic personality characteristics.


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How to Cite

Tejaswani Gaur. (2023). Study Of Smartphone Addiction Proneness and Neuroticism Among School-Going Teenagers. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 710–723. Retrieved from