Community Participation in Indian Education System: A Reflection from the NEP 2020

Community Participation in Indian Education System: A Reflection from the NEP 2020


  • Sanjay Kumar


Community Participation, NEP 2020, decision-making process


After the independence India, from the first Secondary education Commission (1952-53) and the latest National Education Policy 2020, highly recommends the involvement of Community Participation in the education for its betterment. Many flagship programs are launched by government for the improvement in the quality of education in India. The community should have an access to be in the schools, learn about the schools and observe what goes on in these schools. The present thematic concept paper focused on the policies and their recommendation on community participation along with the latest policy on Education, Named as National Education Policy (NEP-2020). The NEP 2020 recognizes that education is not just the responsibility of schools and teachers, but also of the community at all levels. The policy emphasis to create a more participatory, inclusive, and equitable education system that involves parents, community leaders, Yuva/Mahila Mandals and other civil society organizations in the participatory decision-making process of the formal education setup.

After RTE Act 2009, it is essential for constructing community board for each school and Himachal Pradesh has undertaken several initiatives to encourage community participation in the educational system. Further various suggestion also recommended by this paper for community participation in school education.


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How to Cite

Sanjay Kumar. (2023). Community Participation in Indian Education System: A Reflection from the NEP 2020. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 613–623. Retrieved from