Challenges & Prospects of Science Education at Secondary Level in the Light of N.E.P 2020

Challenges & Prospects of Science Education at Secondary Level in the Light of N.E.P 2020


  • Asim Kumar Mondal


Development of a nation depends on the progress of Science and Technology. The progress of Science and Technology also depends on the scientific interest of young pupils especially at secondary stage. If they can get interest at this stage more incorporation in science education in the higher education level will be possible. So secondary level science education is a great challenge to encourage the young pupils. In N.E.P 2020 there are so many ways to grow the scientific interest of young pupils. N.E.P 2020 Strongly recommends the innovation and research attitude in science that should be promoted by the teachers among the students.


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How to Cite

Asim Kumar Mondal. (2023). Challenges & Prospects of Science Education at Secondary Level in the Light of N.E.P 2020. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 392–401. Retrieved from