Attainment of Tranquillity among Female Protagonists in Disha Khanna’s Select works

Attainment of Tranquillity among Female Protagonists in Disha Khanna’s Select works


  • Jatinder Kaur


Domestic, Empowerment, Strength, Torture, Violence, Women


Women are the pioneers of any community and civilization. Without their contribution existence of sophisticated society is beyond imagination. A woman ignites the flames of progression by her die-hard endeavors still she is rarely appreciated and respected rather humiliated for the left-out chores. No doubt, Indian women are soaring high in various fields of life as education, politics, sports, entertainment, economic and entrepreneurships. Despite their dual responsibilities of household and social sector they are tortured in the house. The outlook for uneducated as well as rural women gets worse when it compares with urban area’s educated women. Dowry, social norms, beliefs and customs are the prominent reasons of domestic violence because these facilitate a man to fulfill his wrong intentions. Marriage is the association of two genders but it acts as an instrument to oppress women. Undue expectations from newly wedded bride are the major cause of domestic violence. Societal and family pressure insist females to be secretive even in any condition. A person’s life is the outcome of his own frame of mind so if a woman wants to adopt a suffocated life, then nobody can save her. She has to be cognizant regarding her state of oppression. A female should recognize her own worth. Disha Khanna is an optimistic poet who emphasizes to adopt self-actualised way of life to gain inner strength. Hence this study will open new windows of mental strength by eliminating destructive things from a woman’s life through Disha Khanna’s select poetic works


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Khanna, Disha. “What if I am Wrong”. and ONENESS IN SOUL JOURNEY.p.15

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How to Cite

Jatinder Kaur. (2023). Attainment of Tranquillity among Female Protagonists in Disha Khanna’s Select works. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 385–391. Retrieved from