Problem and Prospect of International Boarder Tourism Punjab: A Case Study on Hussainiwala Border

Problem and Prospect of International Boarder Tourism Punjab: A Case Study on Hussainiwala Border


  • Shabnampreet kaur Gill
  • Dr. Kushal Singh


Border tourism, Sustainable development, Hussainiwala Border, Cultural exchange, Economic growth


The development of tourism at border areas has gained significance in recent years. It has the potential to foster economic growth, promote cultural exchange, and enhance understanding between nations. This research paper aims to study the potential for border tourism in the Hussainiwala border area and its impact on sustainable development. The study employs a mixed-method approach, using qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from tourists, local residents, and stakeholders in the area. The results indicate that border tourism has a positive impact on the local economy, generating employment opportunities, and increasing revenue for businesses. However, the study also reveals several challenges, including environmental degradation, lack of infrastructure, and the need for better coordination among stakeholders. The paper recommends strategies for sustainable tourism development, including community involvement, environmental protection, and the development of infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Shabnampreet kaur Gill, & Dr. Kushal Singh. (2023). Problem and Prospect of International Boarder Tourism Punjab: A Case Study on Hussainiwala Border. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 63–77. Retrieved from