Performance Evaluation of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India

Performance Evaluation of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India




The banking industry in India has important contributions for the sustainable growth and development of economy. The banking sector performs three primary functions in an economy that is (I) it gives attention towards the payment system, (II) the mobilization of savings and (III) the allocation of savings to investment products. The structure of Indian banking has been divided into two parts like; Scheduled Banks and Non-Scheduled Banks. RBI is central body which is control Indian banking system. Performance evaluations plays a key role in improving the value of work input and also motivates the staffs towards doing the more work for achieving particular goals.  Performance evaluation is the element of human resource management designed for the growth and development of employees and also for organizations. In today’s era baking sector is a rapidly growing sector of India. With the fast extension in the number of branches and also considerable increases in the work assigned to them, because of that banks have to give more attention and take cautious steps for their organizational abilities that is to say the process of recruitment, placement, training, promotion and performance evaluation, in order to ensure the required number of workforce with the required capability are available at the right place and right time.


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How to Cite

SHIVANISINH SHAILESHKUMAR PARMAR. (2021). Performance Evaluation of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from