Trend analysis of Network Attacks: Visualization and Prediction in Complex Multi-Stage Network

Trend analysis of Network Attacks: Visualization and Prediction in Complex Multi-Stage Network


  • Parimalkumar P Patel


Network vulnerability, attack graph, adjacency matrix, clustering technique, cyber defense


There are many protocols for network security, however none of them can be considered secure. Additionally, it is difficult and time-consuming to train end users. It is true that developing into a skilled cybersecurity specialist requires a lot of time. Through several incremental penetrations that have the potential to attack crucial systems, many hackers and criminals attempt to exploit the flaws. The standard tools that are available for this purpose are insufficient to handle the situation as needed. With continually changing networks, risks are always there and are very likely to result in serious incidents. A methodology to visualize and forecast cyberattacks in intricate, multilayered networks has been put forth in this scientific effort. The calculation will be in accordance with the networks within the particular domain's cyber software vulnerabilities. There is a summary of all the network security options accessible as well as potential vulnerabilities in the system. The matrix is used to show the attacker's vulnerability-based multi-graph method. Additionally, a proposed attack graph algorithm identifies all the weak points in the network, allowing for the placement of sensors at the required locations to harden the network. Multi-Stage Cyber Attack Vulnerabilities are evaluated using the described attack graph


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How to Cite

Parimalkumar P Patel. (2021). Trend analysis of Network Attacks: Visualization and Prediction in Complex Multi-Stage Network. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from