Cyber Security trends in Internet, classification and analysis of Network Attacks

Cyber Security trends in Internet, classification and analysis of Network Attacks


  • Parimalkumar P Patel


Internet of Things, Lightweight IoT protocols and standards, IoT network security models


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of embedded objects with individually identifiable identifiers and embedded software necessary for transient state communication. This study's goal is to examine specific IoT security issues relating to IoT standards and protocols that are currently in use. In this paper, we have provided a thorough evaluation that focuses on the impending security issues with IoT, identifying the hazards associated with the current IoT system, new security protocols, and security projects proposed in recent years. In the protocols and standards proposed for the upcoming IoT systems, this work gives an updated review of the IoT architecture. In accordance with IoT security needs, a comparative analysis of protocols, standards, and offered security models is presented. This study highlights the necessity of uniformity at the communication and data audit level because failing to do so exposes the hardware, software, and data to a variety of dangers and attacks. Our work demonstrates the necessity for methods that are capable of being applied to several threat vectors. This paper gives readers a glimpse into the most recent security research trends, which will help IoT security advance. By incorporating the best security features of IoT-based devices, the study outputs can benefit the IoT research community.


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How to Cite

Parimalkumar P Patel. (2020). Cyber Security trends in Internet, classification and analysis of Network Attacks. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from