Social Media and Human Rights

Social Media and Human Rights


  • Dr. Pankajkumar Kantibhai Patel


Human Rights, Social Media, Privacy


Social media has both merits and demerits. The merits include its endless potential to disseminate information and educate individuals. The drawbacks consist mainly of anonymity, lack of authenticity, invasion of privacy, violation of the rights of children, etc. There are number of threats to human rights in the contemporary digital age. Among these threats, lawmakers are most concerned about the protection of privacy in the digital age. Therefore, it will be a special focus of this article. Human rights have and will always be an important in our life. It is an intrinsic part of the lives and personal freedom of individuals. Thus, the present paper will explore the various issues in the age of internet and role of human rights regarding the use of social media. We have freedom to express our thoughts on social media but it doesn’t mean one can pass on any adverse comment which can hurt someone. So, it is very important to understand human rights while using social media.


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How to Cite

Dr. Pankajkumar Kantibhai Patel. (2018). Social Media and Human Rights. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(3). Retrieved from