An Introduction to Advaita Philosophy in Narsinh Mehta’s two select Poems.

An Introduction to Advaita Philosophy in Narsinh Mehta’s two select Poems.


  • Dr. Bhavesh Babubhai Kachhadiya


Advaita philosophy and their literature, Idea of allegiance and salvation, Rustic spirit


Frequently titled as Advaita philosophy is the devotional literature we find in regional languages of India. As it is more social and cultural, the poets from Bhakti Panth appear more as philosophers and social rather than literary figures. The translation of classics gives sense of belonging especially when a native language gets translated in English. The classics get presented before the world. What Hsuan-tsang did for Sanskrit scriptures, in modern age Shri Aurobindo, Dilip Chitre and A. K. Ramanujan also did in Post Colonial literature which has a heavy flow of translation and Bhakti literature is one of them. This paper discusses about Narsinh Mehta’s philosophical poems which are relevant even in 21st century.


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• Shukla-Bhatt Neelima, (2015). Narasinha Mehta of Gujarat: A Legacy of Bhakti in Songs and Stories. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-997641-6

• Bhajans and prayers explained in English, POWERED by Weebly, 21 February, 2019.

• LYRICSCAGE, Powered by Blogger. 11 March, 2019.

• Narsinh Mehta, Wikipedia. 4 April, 2019.

• Bhakti Movement , Wikipedia. 21 April, 2019.

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How to Cite

Dr. Bhavesh Babubhai Kachhadiya. (2021). An Introduction to Advaita Philosophy in Narsinh Mehta’s two select Poems. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(4). Retrieved from