Developing a Coaching Culture for Enhanced Employee Engagement in India Inc.: A Conceptual Exploration

Developing a Coaching Culture for Enhanced Employee Engagement in India Inc.: A Conceptual Exploration


  • Debayan Kanty Bose


Coaching culture, employee engagement, India Inc., leadership development, conceptual framework, organizational behaviour


In today’s dynamic and competitive environment, employee engagement is crucial for organizational success, especially in emerging markets like India. However, despite its significance, the Indian corporate landscape (India Inc.) struggles with low engagement levels due to rigid hierarchies, traditional leadership styles, and limited developmental opportunities. This paper proposes that creating a coaching culture can be a transformative solution to foster greater employee engagement in Indian organizations. By leveraging theoretical frameworks, current literature, and conceptual models, this study explores how coaching can overcome engagement barriers in India. It also outlines the potential challenges and opportunities associated with implementing a coaching culture. The paper concludes by proposing a conceptual framework for fostering employee engagement through a coaching culture, identifying areas for further research, and offering practical recommendations for organizations.


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How to Cite

Debayan Kanty Bose. (2024). Developing a Coaching Culture for Enhanced Employee Engagement in India Inc.: A Conceptual Exploration. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si2), 25–37. Retrieved from