Enhancing Academic and Career Development through Internships in Non-Professional Courses

Enhancing Academic and Career Development through Internships in Non-Professional Courses


  • Sandhya Singh


Internship, Skill Development, Non- Professional Courses, career development, employability readiness


It is said by the researcher that whatever we do we learn more then what we study and see so internship is a most appropriate way to apply the theory into practical and learn more what you study and find the gap to fill for future career growth. Internships are typically applied to professional fields, not much thought is given to how they might influence nonprofessional areas like the arts, humanities, and social sciences. This paper explores the transformative nature of internships in various sectors with particular reference to the contribution they make to an educational experience and employability. The study is based on a review of research published from 2000 through 2024, combining the results of previous studies to explore the advantages, obstacles and the implications that non-professional domains benefit from internships. The most effective findings reveal that internships are effective for students’ education due to the fact that they allow students to use numerous theories they study in practice. However, internships ensure that students can be in a position to acquire vital skills of communication and problem solving among them, internships also help in a large extent to enable students to follow clear career path. Nevertheless, there is always a concern how to provide quality internship placements for students which stresses on the importance of proper institutional support as well as collaborations with industry partners. The role of this work is to discuss the expansion and improvement of the Internship experiences and programs throughout all fields to promote the students’ growth and readiness for different occupations generally.


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How to Cite

Sandhya Singh. (2024). Enhancing Academic and Career Development through Internships in Non-Professional Courses. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 727–738. Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1990