Financial Inclusion in Gujarat: A Study on SLBC (State Level Banking Committee)

Financial Inclusion in Gujarat: A Study on SLBC (State Level Banking Committee)


  • Pooja G. Vaghela


Financial inclusion, SLBC, Digital banking


In Gujarat, a state with a variety of economic and demographic issues, this study examines the crucial role played by the State Level Banking Committee (SLBC) in advancing financial inclusion. The study highlights strategies to improve underprivileged populations' access to financial services in rural and semi-urban areas, with a particular focus on the SLBC's offerings. The research analyses the state of financial inclusion in Gujarat today and assesses the advancements made possible by noteworthy initiatives and digital banking programs meant to close the financial divide. The results show significant progress in spreading banking penetration and improving financial literacy, but they also highlight ongoing issues like regional disparities and technological impediments to wider financial services accessibility. In the end, this study sheds light on the intricate relationships between financial inclusion and Gujarat and emphasizes the necessity of stakeholder collaboration in order to guarantee fair access to financial resources. The state can attain comprehensive financial inclusion that empowers people and promotes economic growth by implementing focused interventions and maintaining a persistent commitment.


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How to Cite

Pooja G. Vaghela. (2024). Financial Inclusion in Gujarat: A Study on SLBC (State Level Banking Committee). Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 713–726. Retrieved from