Impact of Mass Media on Human Behavior

Impact of Mass Media on Human Behavior


  • Dr. Nair Anup Chandrasekharan


The modern generation of 21st century is exposed to the variety media like never before and the amount of time that they spend in front of screens is unprecedented. For the generation of previous century, the source of mass media (audio-visual) was limited to television. Such a generation that was spending excessive time before the screen was referred to as a „couch potato‟ generation, however, this couch potato generation was limited to a minority section of a 20th century. Nevertheless, in 21st century, especially after the invention of internet and smart phones, the mass media is made available to the masses all planet with unprecedented portability and mobility. This excessive exposure to the mass media has led to a variety of reactions to the end users, specially the younger users of such media. The present paper aims at exploring the impact of Mass Media on Human Behavior in general children and young adults in particular. The paper will also look into the aspect of adverse effect of social media on children and young adults.


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How to Cite

Dr. Nair Anup Chandrasekharan. (2016). Impact of Mass Media on Human Behavior. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(2). Retrieved from